博彩平台网址大全 students, staff, 和 faculty members recently attended the 康涅狄格论坛他与美国进行了讨论.S. 最高法院大法官索尼娅·索托马约尔. 11月15日的谈话, 2022, was moderated by author 和 journalist Soledad O’Brien, who appeared on stage at the Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts in 哈特福德, 而索托马约尔则远程参加了现场直播.

Soledad O 'Brien采访了美国.S. 最高法院大法官索尼娅·索托马约尔 at a recent 康涅狄格论坛 program. 照片由尼克·凯托提供,康涅狄格论坛提供.

Trinity is an education partner of the 康涅狄格论坛, 它支持公开对话, 终身学习, 以及自由和积极的思想交流. Members of the Trinity community 和 other education partners have the opportunity to attend conversations about important issues with global leaders, in addition to taking part in behind-the-scenes events 和 visits with panelists.

“康涅狄格论坛 events hosted at the Bushnell are perfect examples of the many ways in which Trinity students can connect with 哈特福德,96年的卡洛斯·埃斯皮诺萨说, M’98, 博彩平台网址大全院长 社区关系处Trinfo.咖啡馆. “Trinity helps students recognize they aren’t visitors of 哈特福德 for four years, but rather 哈特福德 residents during their time here. That critical shift in perspective drives our academic 和 co-curricular engagement work, 和 cultural events like those hosted by the 康涅狄格论坛 encourage our students to further embrace the city.”

The recent discussion gave the audience insight into 索托马约尔’s life outside of being a U.S. 最高法院法官. 索托马约尔, 谁是第一个在法院任职的拉丁裔, was appointed in 2009 by former President Barack Obama. 目前,她是美国网球协会的四名女性成员之一.S. 最高法院.

Justice Sonia 索托马约尔 joined the live conversation remotely.

The conversation was not centered around 索托马约尔’s current or future cases, but instead focused on her contributions to creating a better country. 索托马约尔 began by speaking about the importance of civic engagement 和 participation in communities. “Think about the power of individual voices 和 the power of civic change,她鼓励观众. “Civics is participating in rules that make us a community. It is being involved in making the rules, or laws, that help us interact with one another.”

索托马约尔 also addressed the importance of civic education in public schools, 从小学生开始. By teaching students at a young age about civic engagement, they are less likely to be byst和ers to their beliefs within their communities, 她说. Students who learn about civic education tend to stay in school, 在课堂上表现更好, 去上大学. She emphasized teaching students to talk 和 listen to each other, despite not always agreeing. 索托马约尔说, “Outreach 和 promoting civic education to children is critical for the survival of our country.”

Audience members could pick up a book by Justice Sonia 索托马约尔 at the 康涅狄格论坛 event.

Trinity student 和 prospective public policy 和 law major Jorge Espinoza ’26 said, “Trinity’s emphasis on diversity 和 collaboration pushes me towards a greater degree of empathy that cannot be compared. The forum only made it clear that not everyone is being taught these morals, 和 it is really moving that Trinity goes out of its way to teach us basic human ethics.”

索托马约尔 is the author of four books, including two children’s books. 她的书, 问问! 与众不同,勇敢,做你自己 refers to her struggle growing up with diabetes 和 brings awareness to children with disabilities. Trinity public policy 和 law major 和 formal organizations minor Kelly Thomas ’24 said, “The children’s book follows the theme that everyone is different 和 unique. Despite everyone’s differences, 索托马约尔 says that we are like a garden. 我们需要许多不同种类的花, just as we need many different types of people in order to grow 和 be beautiful.”

Trinity students 和 staff gathered for an evening out at the 康涅狄格论坛. 摄影:Vy Duong ' 26.

在整个晚上, 索托马约尔 also discussed her relationship with the other justices on the U.S. 最高法院. She emphasized how they may see cases differently in the court, but they see the best in each other 和 have strong relationships. 她说, “Each justice fundamentally loves the court. Sometimes I disagree with my colleagues, but I always see them as human beings. We don’t always get along in the court, but we are the first call when a family member dies.”

Keeping an open mind in every case is one of the biggest principles in law that 索托马约尔说 she follows. She explained how she uses different tools in each individual case to interpret the Constitution, 每个大法官的解释都是不同的. 她说, “人们依赖法律的稳定, 和 the judicial system is not prone to politics in a bipartisan sense.”

The late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg influenced 索托马约尔 with her uplifting nature 和 fight for the equality of women, 索托马约尔说. She concluded by emphasizing the increased quality of talking 和 listening from the justices when more women are present on the court. 索托马约尔说:“看着它进化是非常可爱的.”

The 康涅狄格论坛 will host Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Ronan Farrow, 以及其他即将公布的小组成员, for a conversation called “Misinformation 和 Finding the Truth: Reckoning with Today’s Media L和scape” on March 23, 2023. 欲了解更多信息,请 点击这里.